BETT talks to see

BETT talks we don’t want to miss

(but unfortunately are so can you go for us?!)


As the annual education technology trade show, BETT, is imminent we have had a look through the agenda to find some of the BETT Arena talks we would love to attend (if we weren’t so busy making wonderful websites for you all that is!) and we hope you can make it to some of them and tell us all about it.


Our top picks for Wednesday 23rd January 2019:


11:15-11:30 Impact of computing learning opportunities on attainment

Hear the story of how a primary school standing within the shadows of the London 2012 Olympic Park rapidly transformed itself from being officially rated as “requiring improvement” into a school which has been able to demonstrably exceed the demands of the “new” National Curriculum particularly in computing, becoming accredited as a computing and STEM based learning Centre of Excellence. Teaching and learning at the school is organised and resourced in such a way that all of its children can fully access the computing curriculum with many exceeding expected learning outcomes by two years above the expectations originally set out in the 2014 (English) National Curriculum. The challenge now therefore is how to harness and capitalise on this success so that it can be sustained post-primary and beyond to transform today’s learners into digitally literate citizens of the future. Hosted by Willow Brook Primary School Academy


13:30-14:00 Education policy: too precious to be left to the politicians

Why is the way we conduct education policy in England inherently unstable? The answer of course could well lie in that it is often born out of the short term cycle of Parliamentary politics. So what do we do about this? How do we create a long term plan for education that serves our country better? This session will explore the very real need for a change in approach to the setting of education policy. How we might go about taking a long term view of education that creates stability, and what the hurdles are that we must overcome to create it. It will examine the the benefits of such an approach using the combined experience and knowledge of leaders from business, education and community who will argue the need for a long-term plan for education that cannot be developed by government alone and must be co-constructed. Hosted by City Learning Trust


Our top picks for Thursday 24th January 2019:


12:30-13:00 Duty of care: real-time information sharing to keep people safe

Education institutions have a duty of care to those studying, employed or visiting their facilities and public safety is a growing issue worldwide. In today’s unpredictable world the ability of different organisations to communicate quickly, securely and without confusion could be the difference between life and death. Emergency incidents happen quickly, the most important thing for decision-makers is to receive and share correct information, then act on it quickly to keep people safe. This session will include practical advice and an appearance from a prominent UK college who is using technology to keep people safe in times of crisis.


17:15-17:30 Digital tools to help amplify students’ voices

In this session join two educators from different countries as they discuss the impact that tools such as Flipgrid and Skype can have on teaching and learning, but more importantly the platform it provides in the development of confident learners. From capturing a pupil’s thought process to developing their skills in a modern language, from improving their reading to capturing and discussing views and opinions, the emphasis is on empowering the student voice. This session will provide practical help and inspiration on amplifying students voices in the classroom, the school, and even the world! Teaching students that their voices are heard and that they matter becomes an essential life skill that empowers connected, empathetic, and global communicators of the future! Hosted by Ysgol Bae Baglan


Our top picks for Friday 25th January 2019:


12:00-12:30 Using and developing tech solutions for students with SEN

Technology offers creative opportunities for active engagement in learning. For children with disabilities, technology may be the only tool that allows them to be actively engaged in their learning activities, and thus it can be the key to their future. In this talk, we will present challenges encountered working with students with disabilities in the classroom and how we use technology to create solutions to improve their participation, for example, providing solutions for academic tasks, school events, leisure activities, and communication. We will also introduce the work that we are doing at the Technology Center of Beit Issie Shapiro in the field of entrepreneurship, in Israel and abroad. We will show the apps that we have developed and how working closely with developers helps to spread awareness of the principles of inclusive design and their importance for promoting meaningful participation for everyone. Hosted by The Technology Center, Beit Issie Shapiro


13:30-14:00 Fact or fake: developing critical learners in the digital age

How do children make sense of their digital life both in school and out? And how do we as adults navigate our own pathway through the forest of fact, fiction, fanaticism and fantasy and guide our pupils by appealing to fun rather than fear? Drawing on our teaching experience and work with a wide range of partners, this talk will offer a proposal to teachers and senior leaders: that enabling and empowering critical and discerning learners is an essential activity for the classroom, not a bolt-on option. We will explore some practical ways to engage children in critical evaluation of digital information in a range of contexts, supporting their learning and development both as consumers and creators of content of all kinds, fact and fiction included. Hosted by London Connected Learning Centre


Our top picks for Saturday 26th January 2019:


13:15-13:30 How free education gives millions of people a second chance

There are approximately 1.2 billion people learning a new language, and many are doing so in pursuit of a better life. As part of our mission to make education free for everyone, we studied the behavior of millions of learners spanning every country on the planet. Until one day, we made an unexpected research discovery that led us on a journey around the world and throughout the Middle East, eventually putting us inside one of the world’s largest refugee camps and forever changing the way we think about language education. In this short talk, discover how technology has rapidly expanded the impact of educators everywhere, and why your responsibility is greater now than it ever has been before. Hosted by Duolingo


14:30-14:45 Kids Judge Bett

Kids Judge Bett returns for a 4th year. This popular kids led event, running throughout the Saturday, is organised by Islington council. Pupils and their parents from 8 primary and secondary schools participate in the judging, exploring all the stands, exhibitors and their products and choosing their favourites across 10 categories. Many companies report this is the award that really matters! The kids announce the winners live on stage giving out the coveted chocolate trophies. #kidsjudgebett Hosted by Islington Council


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