How can we help?

At Greenhouse School Websites we have been working closely with schools since our inception and enjoy being part of the education community. We have always kept our values front and centre in this arena by keeping our costs affordable for schools whilst still delivering a high-end professional service; and by promoting the values of being “green” and offsetting the carbon footprint of our product. We want to make websites we are proud of and a world our own children can be proud of.

We know that you are facing unprecedented times and concerns right now. We wish we could shoulder more of the burden for you. We stand with you though and want to do whatever we can to release even a little of that stress. To that end we have compiled a few ways we could try and help, and please do get in touch if you need any additional support in the coming weeks and months.

Keeping your website up and running

It goes without saying that we put every effort into keeping the websites we provide up and providing information at all times. The level of web traffic your school website is likely to receive in coming weeks however, is going to be higher than ever before. We are doing everything on our side to ensure we can maintain those high standards. We are tracking volume of visitors every day and are making systems adjustments as quickly and smoothly as we can. We also urge you to look at ways to speed up any access for visitors to key information during these times by using the Home Alert Page. See this blog for more information on those options.

Providing useful links to add to your websites

Our home learning links blog contains loads of links to online learning and useful downloads which can help form your online and home learning options for families. These are all free all the time or offering free options especially in the case of school closures. We also recommend you have a browse through our website portfolios for ideas and inspiration from other school websites to see how they are using their school websites at the moment. No need for everyone to reinvent the wheel at once!


We understand that for many of you a new website is not high on your priority list right now. For others, judging by the large increase in enquiries we’ve been receiving, we recognise that if this has been on the bottom of your list for a long time it may well be jumping to the top in order to help parents stay in contact and with information. To that end please take a look at the most cost effective options we have to start you off. We will aim to turn around websites as quickly as possible for you in this time – even faster than usual hopefully! – so that you can get information out fast. Our predesigned templates mean you can get up and running faster and cheaper if you cannot afford to go for bespoke designs.


Something we always offer, and realise may be especially useful right now, is the option to change your invoice date if it helps you at certain points in your budget cycle. If you need to bring your invoice date forward or push it back, as appropriate, we are happy to discuss your requirements and make adjustments wherever we can.

Anything else?

If there is anything else you need help with – whether discussing options for what content we can advise on based on other schools, or to get technical help to use features you previously have not tried out – we are ready and waiting for your call. We are working from home in the main to observe the social distancing rules but will still be answering emails and calls as usual during this time.

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