A change is as good as a rest!
Times change and over the last few years time seems to have simultaneously flown by, and stood still, all at the same time!
You no doubt will have, along with all school leaders, risen to the enormous challenge and made swift changes to fit in with the needs of your students and community over the last 2 years.
Many of you have used your school website more than ever before – to share work now that parents cannot visit the school; to share lesson plans and resources to be used for home learning; to share links to educational websites or downloads…and much much more! We have seen a huge increase in website use for schools and colleges across the UK and beyond.
What this might mean is that, due to the very last minute nature of what has happened since 2020, you now struggle to see your website in the same light you did a few years ago. Perhaps it has become a bit jumbled or over wordy? Maybe a hotchpotch of urgent messages has blighted your previously slick and beautiful homepage? Perhaps the addition of lots of new pages and menus has made navigation more tricky for new visitors?
A host of reasons could have turned your school website into a functional place but not necessarily a joyful place to be online. Your focus on the needs of your current cohorts may have turned focus away from prospective parents and students who are looking for the right information for them.
You may also want to take advantage of changes made over the last two years. Have different pages of your website become more popular than ever and now you want to make them more prominent? Or maybe you have started using social media more as a school and want to have a social wall on your website to showcase your Twitter and/or Facebook posts?
Or maybe you just see the website as your practical space and it has lost its charm as a first impression for new visitors to your school?
If you have fallen out of love with your school website it might be that all it needs is a bit of a refresh. A chance to sit back and take stock of what your needs are now – especially if they have changed a lot since you first launched your website. You can apply for our First Impressions Audit to give you an outsiders view of your school website if you like. It’s totally FREE and will let you know what prospective parents, students and Ofsted would make of your current website.
Or get in touch for a consultation so that we can help you to fall in love with your school website all over again. We can help to trim things down, restructure your pages, or do a whole new design with or without new logos and branding. A change is as good as a rest, they say. I am not sure we can promise to take away the tiredness left over from the last few years but we can help to light a little spark perhaps?!