Update these 12 statutory items on your school website now
The Ofsted Statutory website requirements have not changed since last year but they contain information which needs to be updated every year or kept up to date. Here’s 12 things to check.
The Ofsted Statutory website requirements have not changed since last year but they contain information which needs to be updated every year or kept up to date. Here’s 12 things to check.
There’s good news this year – the statutory school website requirements have not changed since October 2018. However, there is a new Education Inspection Framework from September 2019.
The new Ofsted Inspection Framework for 2019 is currently undergoing the consultation phase and promises some pretty major changes including altering the four key judgements. We have picked out some of the relevant sections...
In May 2018, the DfE published updated their school website requirements and the information which all schools MUST publish on their school website. In addition, the Ofsted Inspection Handbook was updated in September 2018. Here are the latest Ofsted school website requirements.
Here are the latest Statutory & Ofsted website requirements for schools for September 2017. There have been changes!
The DfE have just updated their guidance for maintained schools regarding the information schools MUST publish on their school website. We’ve highlighted all the changes for you.
In many cases we are able to predict an inspection and provide schools with advance notice with our Ofsted Inspection Early Warning System.