The School Website Design Blog

back to school in march

Back to School…in March

It is not often that we write a back to school blog multiple times in one academic year. This feels like a new year started, however, for many teachers as children went back to...

Remote education provision website requirements

School website requirements February 2021

Schools are now required to publish details of their remote education provision on their school website. It is intended to support understanding of what pupils and parents should expect during periods of school closure...

How are you doing this?!

This morning I watched my son’s teacher expertly handle 17 Year 2 children on a Zoom call. Teaching them the possessive apostrophe within 30 minutes when all they wanted to do was show off...

Starting 2021 off on the right foot

Where do we start to move on from 2020? Well…baby steps. With everything changing at a pace there are some things we can do to ensure our school website, and other jobs, are ready...

The Very Best of 2020

Let’s face it, 2020 has not been the year any of us planned or expected. We have all been speaking all year in phrases we would all love to ban from the lexicon –...